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Testosterone Therapy Results (Month 1-12)

Results of testosterone therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is one of the leading forms of hormone replacement for men over thirty. It is not for everyone, as only those men with low testosterone (Low T) levels can benefit from the treatment. For those who are diagnosed with Low T, the results of testosterone therapy typically include the following:

  • More energy
  • Improved sex drive and performance
  • Loss of belly fat
  • Better muscle tone and strength
  • Improved mood
  • Increased bone density
  • Deeper sleep
  • Better focus and memory

These are just some of the many ways TRT can help men improve their lives by reversing the effects of low testosterone.

The symptoms of Low T do not need to rule your life! With the help of a hormone doctor, you can say goodbye to the depression, fatigue, and low libido that affect your life through personalized testosterone therapy.

Remember, the benefits of TRT are for men with diagnosed low testosterone levels. Testosterone use without doctor supervision can cause unwanted and potentially dangerous side effects. TRT is safe when medically prescribed by a hormone doctor.

What happens when you start taking testosterone?

Low testosterone and its symptoms do not happen overnight, so do not expect to see changes immediately. That does not mean you have to wait months to experience positive improvements from your TRT.

Some benefits are internal, such as increasing blood cell production, reducing inflammation, and improving insulin sensitivity. These changes begin within a few days to a few weeks, although you won’t notice any difference that soon.

Early results of testosterone therapy that you will likely notice include more energy, better sleep, increased sex drive, and improved mood and quality of life. Most men report these changes within three to four weeks of beginning testosterone therapy.

TRT typically begins as a six-month course of treatment, with reassessment to determine the future path of action. During those six months, the following results of TRT are likely:

Results of testosterone therapy after 1 month
Improved mood and feeling of well-being
More restful sleep
Reduced inflammation markers and C-reactive protein (after 3 weeks and continuing up to 24 months)
Increased energy and vitality
Decreased insulin resistance
Improvements begin in the lipid profile
Less stress and anxiety
Reduced feelings of depression (often within 3 to 6 weeks)
Increased interest in sex and more sexual thoughts and fantasies
Improved effects on lipids
More motivation
Improved sociability and self-confidence (3 weeks to a month)
Men with cardiovascular disease experience increased ischemic threshold
Results of testosterone therapy after 2 months
Month two builds on the benefits that began during the first month of TRT. Additional results may include:
Loss of weight
Increased HDL (good) cholesterol and decreased LDL (bad) and total cholesterol and triglycerides (taking up to 3 months and peaking after 12 months)
Enhanced spatial working memory (as early as 3 and up to 6 weeks)
Increased morning erections, improved sexual performance, and satisfaction (2 – 3 months)
Results of testosterone therapy after 3 months
Improved red blood cell production (erythropoiesis – maximum in 9 to 12 months)
Increased lean muscle mass and strength
Better glycemic control
Increased exercise capacity (especially in men with chronic heart failure)
Noticeable reduction in fat mass and waist-hip ratio
Men with impaired glucose tolerance experience lower serum glucose levels
Improved flow-mediated vasodilation in males with coronary arterial disease
Reduced diastolic blood pressure (ranging from 3 to 9 months with maximum results at 12 months)
Increased prostate volume and PSA levels (ranging from 3 to 12 months)
Results of testosterone therapy after 4 and 5 months
Muscular strength improves considerably (may occur as early as 12 weeks)
The benefits continue to build with each passing month. Men who suffer from depression often report significant improvements in their overall state of mind and emotional well-being by this time.
Results of testosterone therapy after 6 months
Bone density improvements often appear at this time, with continuation up to 36 months. Six months is when significant changes are noticeable throughout the body.
Results of testosterone therapy after 12 months
After one year of TRT, most men experience positive improvements in lipid profiles, mood, appearance, energy, heart health, blood pressure, circulation, and overall well-being.

TRT significantly improves the lives of men who suffer from symptoms of low testosterone. Low T can hinder occupational, emotional, physical, and relationship well-being. With testosterone therapy, these areas experience quality improvements that benefit productivity and health.

Do results depend on the form of TRT?

The type of TRT can significantly impact your benefits. Testosterone injections are not only the most common form of treatment but also the most affordable and effective method of treating Low T in men.

When results matter, injectable testosterone is the way to proceed. Unlike transdermal testosterone gels and patches, testosterone injections do not pose a cross-contamination risk to others in the home.

The testosterone enters the body via a weekly shot rather than messy and expensive topical options. Because injected testosterone goes right into the muscle, it is immediately bio-available to the body.

Transdermal testosterone must first go through the skin for absorption into the body. There is no way of knowing how effective this method will be for each person.

Nasal gels are the messiest of all treatments, requiring several pumps in each nostril a few times daily. They do not provide the fast results you get with injectable testosterone.

Implantable pellets, while effective at increasing testosterone levels, pose a significant risk. The pellets may work out from under the skin, reducing the efficacy and necessitating another procedure.

Inflammation or other reactions could require the removal of the pellets, which is difficult to achieve, as is getting the precise dosage.

In a meta-analysis of eight testosterone replacement trials of older hypogonadal men, intramuscular TRT produced an 8% increase in lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) and 4% in hip BMD. Transdermal testosterone brought no increases. Injectable testosterone also led to a moderate increase in muscle strength that was not achieved with transdermal testosterone.

One concern with transdermal testosterone is that it increases dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion from testosterone 5.46-fold compared to 2.2-fold from injected testosterone. Higher DHT levels lower testosterone and increase the risk of prostate cancer, hair loss, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (which can interfere with urination and erectile functions).

TRT results are long-lasting with continued use. Men who stop testosterone therapy may notice some of their Low T symptoms begin to return if they do not take steps to increase natural testosterone production. Low-dose, long-term TRT is safe when used under doctor supervision.

Results of Our Patients

While every man presents a unique experience with how his body reacts to Low T, the results below are indicative of the many ways testosterone therapy can improve your health and life:

“I struggled with depression for over a year without any idea why I felt that way. My doctor gave me a physical and sent me to a psychologist. Even the psychologist said there was no reason for my mood changes.

When my morning erections disappeared, and I lost all interest in sex, I confided in a close friend. He thought it might be Low T. Calling this hormone therapy clinic was the right choice. My blood test confirmed my suspicion. What I did not know at that time was that low testosterone was also the cause of my depression.

Thanks to testosterone replacement therapy, my mood, sex drive, and erectile functions have improved. I now tell all my friends that if they notice any physical, cognitive, sexual, or emotional changes, they should contact a hormone specialist.”

“I was always one of the top three producers in my company, so when I dropped out of the top five, I had reason to worry. What was going on with me? My motivation and productivity were starting to slide, and I was concerned that the younger guys in the office would pass me by.

My boss took me aside and asked what was wrong, and I had no idea what to tell him. He confessed that getting older had caused him to feel “off” for no reason. His testosterone levels were getting too low, a problem that happens to men as we age.

Listening to him extol the benefits of testosterone injections gave me the push to call this clinic. Testosterone therapy has helped me get back on the top of my game again.”

“After a lifetime of being in good shape, I was shocked when I started getting flabby. I heard that men could gain a little weight as they age, and it made sense since I was in my sixties. So, I started working out harder. That did not help at all. I was losing muscle and gaining weight.

I decided to get my hormone levels checked to see if low testosterone was the problem. It was, so I started testosterone injections. I was shocked at how quickly the medication started to work. By the end of my second week of treatment, I felt more energized. My body is gradually getting back in shape, and I could not be happier.”

“Turning 65 should have been the best time of my life, as I was preparing to retire and start traveling the world with my wife. Little did I know that low testosterone was going to derail those plans. A month before my retirement, I started feeling tired, depressed, and anxious. I chalked it up to the imminent change, yet it was more than that.

My sex drive tanked, and I lost my morning erections. I was even gaining weight for no reason at all. My wife believed in hormone replacement, so I deferred to her better judgment and called this clinic. Hearing that I had Low T and that testosterone therapy could reverse my symptoms gave me hope for the future. It has been six months since I started TRT, and we just came home from a three-month cruise, and I feel great!”