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Testosterone Injections

Testosterone Injections

Testosterone injections provide life-changing benefits for men suffering from symptoms of low testosterone (Low T). There is no reason to worry about how your health and appearance will continue to decline when getting high-quality, affordable treatment is only a phone call away.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) helps men with low testosterone overcome the many symptoms associated with Low T, including depressed mood, sexual decline, poor body composition, fatigue, joint pains, memory loss, and hair loss. These changes can negatively impact health, daily life, and socialization.


Maintaining balanced testosterone levels is crucial for your well-being. TRT restores vitality and improves health, appearance, and quality of life. Testosterone injections prescribed by a doctor can safely and effectively reverse the effects of Low T by increasing low testosterone levels to their ideal point.

What do testosterone injections do?

Testosterone injections are medications that contain testosterone and an ester, such as cottonseed oil in testosterone cypionate and sesame oil in testosterone enanthate. The primary difference in these medications is how long they last in the body. These injections provide supplemental testosterone to the body’s androgen receptors to stimulate their actions when natural production levels decline.

Testosterone injections encompass a few different types of medication, specifically testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and testosterone undecanoate. Of the three, our clinic does not recommend testosterone undecanoate (brand name Aveed) due to underlying health risks. 

TRT, as an injection, works by entering the muscle and slowly releasing it into the bloodstream. Upon reaching androgen receptors, testosterone enters the cells like naturally produced testosterone. By doing so, the receptors that did not receive enough signaling due to low testosterone levels would once again receive what they need to promote their actions.

The receptor cells naturally improve their functions after the testosterone injection, supporting red blood cell production, metabolism, sexual desire, energy, sleep, cognitive performance, and more. With each passing month, the benefits of testosterone injections continue to improve.

Testosterone injections, administered intramuscularly, are the most effective form of TRT, allowing them greater musculoskeletal benefits. A meta-analysis also suggests that intramuscular (IM) testosterone has a better cardiovascular risk profile than oral or transdermal testosterone. IM testosterone increases muscle strength, whereas studies have shown less of an increase in transdermal testosterone.

Testosterone injections are also the most affordable form of TRT, costing hundreds of dollars less per month than other options.

Are testosterone injections safe?

Testosterone injections are one of the safest forms of receiving TRT, with the most common problems being injection site reactions, such as redness, pain, itching, or irritation. These issues are typically short-lived, going away on their own.

Testosterone is a highly researched and studied medication, with significant results showing its effectiveness in dealing with the many symptoms associated with Low T. These studies point out the benefits, side effects, and risks associated with testosterone therapy.

In an analysis of numerous placebo-controlled randomized trials in older men using TRT, the following results were found:

  • Increased bone mineral density
  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased lean body mass, muscle volume, and strength
  • Improved verbal fluency
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Improved mood
  • Improved sexual desire

The American Urology Association (AUA) has carefully reviewed evidence-based peer review literature and determined no evidence of TRT increasing the risk of cardiovascular events.

Are testosterone boosters a safer option?

Testosterone boosters are widely promoted as the safest and cheapest option for treating Low T. They claim to be effective, but an evaluation of fifty “T booster” supplements showed that only ninety percent of the products claimed to boost testosterone. Only 24.8% had data to support their claims. Some of the ingredients used in these unregulated products could even harm your health.

Testosterone boosters do not provide a supplemental dosage of testosterone to the body the way testosterone injections do. T boosters contain proprietary blends of ingredients – often amino acids, vitamins, and minerals – aimed at stimulating increased testosterone production in the body.

Supplements do not require the same FDA approval as medications. There is little to no independent testing on these products, and they are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure diseases.

The only safe way to take testosterone is under a doctor’s supervision. Upon prescribing testosterone injections, the clinic will provide comprehensive instructions and guidelines for administering the medication at home. Most men find this more convenient and less costly than going to a testosterone therapy clinic once a week.

Are testosterone injections the best option for Low T?

Testosterone injections are the most cost-effective option for treating Low T. They also provide the best absorption into the bloodstream as they are injected into the body, and the medication does not have to pass through the skin or oral membranes. Unlike implantable pellets, there is no risk of the medication exiting the body.

Here are more details about the various other forms of testosterone therapy for men:

Transdermal – topical testosterone comes in gels and patches for men. Testosterone cream is a lower-dose alternative that is geared more toward women. Testosterone patches and gels are significantly more expensive than testosterone injections, costing hundreds of dollars monthly. Another concern with transdermal methods of testosterone therapy is that there is no way of knowing how well the body absorbs the testosterone into the bloodstream.

Testosterone patches can apply to the scrotum (scrotal patches), upper arm, or shoulder. Patches may cause irritation, itching, rash, or other skin reactions. They can fall off, reducing their effectiveness, and, if this happens in bed, can pose a significant cross-contamination risk to others.

Testosterone gel requires a waiting period to allow the gel to dry before putting on clothing, going in the water, or letting anyone else touch that area of the skin. Irritation, redness, and rashes are possible, the area should not be washed until the next dose, and the cross-contamination risk is higher with this treatment.

Implantable pellets – tiny pellets containing long-lasting crystalline testosterone are implanted under the skin. The release slowly over a few months. Implantation site irritation, swelling, bruising, pain, and infection are possible, and it is advised to refrain from

There is a risk of the pellets dislodging and exiting the skin, requiring another procedure to restore the optimal dosage. Managing any dosage changes is also more challenging as they require removing or adding pellets to optimize results. Testosterone pellets are difficult to remove once implanted, and a bad reaction to the medication could lead to problems.

Implantable pellets have about the same level of effectiveness as other forms of testosterone therapy as long as the dosage is correct. The treatment is more expensive than injections as it requires a medical procedure.

Oral/buccal – small adhesive testosterone tablets attach to the upper gum. These tablets can cause a bitter taste in the mouth, especially when eating. The tablet should not be chewed or swallowed (it can happen accidentally while eating) as it could lead to liver toxicity. Headaches and oral irritation are possible. Buccal testosterone is more expensive than injections.

Intranasal – another form of testosterone gel is pumped into each nostril thrice daily. As a highly messy and inconvenient form of testosterone therapy, this option does not warrant the increased cost over other forms of TRT.

Is It Legal to Buy Testosterone Injections Online?

Buying testosterone legally, whether online or at a local pharmacy, requires a valid doctor’s prescription. Ensuring that any local or online pharmacy follows the guidelines the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) set forth is vital. Any site that does not require a valid prescription is not in compliance with these rules and is operating illegally.

Once you have a doctor’s prescription for TRT, you can purchase this medication legally from any licensed and regulated source in the US.

Before you can receive a prescription, you will need to complete a few steps to receive a diagnosis of low testosterone:

  1. A consultation with a hormone provider to discuss symptoms, needs, benefits, risks, and goals
  2. Blood analysis to measure various blood and hormone levels
  3. Physical examination to rule out any contraindicated concerns or preexisting health issues
  4. Health history questionnaire providing essential medical information to the prescribing hormone doctor

Once you have a TRT prescription, you can legally purchase testosterone injections.

We do not recommend buying testosterone injections illegally, as that can lead to significant issues. Illegally purchased testosterone falls under the category of anabolic steroids. These synthetic substances may contain additional chemicals besides testosterone that could pose a problem for one’s health.

There is no regulation on testosterone when purchased illegally. Counterfeit medications, higher than recommended dosages, and poor quality are concerns. Potential prosecution, jail time, and monetary fines increase the risk of buying TRT illegally.

Injections you can get at California HRT Clinic

Our hormone therapy clinic provides men with testosterone cypionate, testosterone enanthate, and combination injections, including both medications.

We may occasionally use testosterone propionate for a short duration in combination with other cypionate or enanthate to jump-start benefits in men with extremely low testosterone levels.

Testosterone Cypionate

Ingredients: testosterone cypionate, cottonseed oil, benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol (preservative)

Half-life is between 10 and 12 days (duration until half strength left in body)

Metabolized in 7 to 8 days

Testosterone Enanthate

Ingredients: testosterone enanthate, sesame oil, chlorobutanol (preservative)

Half-life is between 8 and 10 days

Metabolized in 4 to 5 days

Testosterone Propionate

Ingredients: testosterone propionate, grapeseed oil

Half-life is between 4 and 5 days

Metabolized in one to three days

Testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate combination injections prescribed by our doctors allow for weekly injections, reducing the undesirable highs and lows some men experience with administering shots every 10 to 14 days.

Testosterone propionate is not prescribed by itself as it is more expensive and not for long-term use due to the increased risk of side effects. It carries an increased conversion into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estrogen aromatization.

Why should you get testosterone injections from our clinic?

Our doctors are leading hormone specialists who focus on providing personalized treatments to counter the effects of hormone deficiency. They use state-of-the-art technology to determine the appropriate treatment and dosage for men needing TRT. Careful calculations and monitoring are part of every treatment.

Our professional hormone staff includes dedicated and knowledgeable nurses and medical advisors who assist you with your treatment. The expertise of our professional team is second to none, providing you with confidence and peace of mind that you are in the right place for TRT.

All medications used are of the highest quality, and for those who require custom blends of testosterone injections, we work with leading, licensed US compounding pharmacies. We are here to help you achieve superior results.

What effects to expect from testosterone injections?

Testosterone injections produce rapid results, with some benefits occurring within the first few weeks of starting TRT. Because ongoing medical monitoring keeps your testosterone levels in proper check, you can enjoy long-lasting results.

You can remain on testosterone therapy for as long as you like. Our doctors may adjust your dosages based on follow-up blood test results.


Testosterone has short-term and long-term benefits that include helping balance other hormone levels.

Short-term benefits of testosterone injections, including when to expect to notice them:

  • More interest in sex (within 3 weeks)
  • Reduced feelings of depression (3 to 6 weeks)
  • Improved focus and cognitive processing (within 3 weeks)
  • Increased energy (within 3 weeks)
  • Improved mood and quality of life (within 3 weeks)

Long-term benefits of testosterone injections, including when to expect to notice them:

  • Increased bone mineral density (6 to 36 months, ongoing)
  • Improved erection, functions, ejaculation (could happen earlier but can take up to 6 months)
  • Increased lean muscle mass (12 to 16 weeks with ongoing improvements)
  • Improved red blood cell production (starting around 3 months, peaking between 9 and 12 months)
  • Improved lipid (cholesterol) panel (between 6 and 12 months)
  • Reduced blood pressure (between 3 and 9 months, maximum benefits after 12 months)
  • Decreased resting heart rate (between 40 and 44 weeks)
  • Reduced fat mass (12 to 16 weeks, with ongoing improvements over 24 months)
  • Decreased serum glucose levels in men with impaired glucose tolerance (after 3 months)
  • Reduced inflammation (may begin around 3 weeks but more noticeable around 3 months and continuing over 24 months)

Possible side effects

The most common reactions to testosterone injections are application site redness, pain, or irritation. These are short-lived effects that disappear on their own.

Other potential side effects of testosterone injections that do not require medical intervention unless they last a long time or become problematic include:

  • Oily skin
  • Acne
  • Increased breast tissue growth or tenderness (gynecomastia)
  • Changes in sexual desire or performance
  • Headaches
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Weight gain
  • Back or joint pain
  • Deepening of the voice or hoarseness

The leading cause of side effects in adults is when testosterone levels are raised too high, as is more likely when testosterone is used illegally without a doctor’s prescription. Men prescribed testosterone injections from a hormone specialist receive the lowest possible dosage customized to their bodies’ needs. The hormone doctor monitors TRT progress with follow-up blood tests and communication to reduce the risk of side effects.

More serious issues could occur with testosterone abuse or overuse or without proper medical monitoring, such as:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Testicular shrinkage (atrophy)
  • Infertility
  • Allergic reactions
  • Blood clot
  • Liver injury or jaundice
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Changes in urination
  • Worsening of sleep apnea or difficulty breathing
  • Edema
  • Aggressive, irritable, hostile, suicidal, or depressed feelings
  • Painful or prolonged erection

Any of these issues require medical attention, as testosterone levels may be too high in the body.

If you have any questions about testosterone injections, we are here to provide useful answers and information.