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Auburn California HRT Clinic

Unlock a Better Life with HRT

What HRT gives to patients

Easy and Safe Hormone Treatment in Auburn, California

Revitalize your body and mind with personalized HGH and Testosterone therapy

Talk to a hormone specialist to get help with treatment. They can help with symptom assessment, blood tests, prescriptions, and treatment options.

What we do

Your health and vitality keep you going as you age. Hormones are the chemical messengers that aid in those actions. Our hormone doctors in Auburn, CA, help you keep crucial chemicals in proper balance, including testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH).

The older you get, the lower testosterone and HGH levels become. That can lead to many unwanted and potentially dangerous changes in your health and life. Wherever you live in Placer County, you can receive life-transforming treatment from our HGH and testosterone doctor. Auburn, CA, residents who turn to our hormone specialists for help receive many benefits, including:

Positive changes such as the ones above can go a long way to transform your life quality. All this is possible when we determine if your body is low in vital hormones, including testosterone and HGH. Auburn, CA, hormone specialists check your blood levels to determine if you can benefit from bioidentical hormone replacement.

With the help of our hormone doctors, Auburn residents enjoy reduced stress and anxiety. Our Auburn testosterone therapy clinic specialists focus on providing your body with what it needs to function at peak performance.

You can receive answers to all your questions from our testosterone and HGH clinics in Auburn, CA. Contact us today for a complimentary telephone consultation and additional information.

Hormone treatment you can get at Auburn HRT Clinic

HGH therapy in Auburn

Growth hormone treatment can provide numerous benefits, including increased muscle mass, reduced body fat, and improved energy levels.
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Testosterone therapy in Auburn

Testosterone treatment can help combat low testosterone levels in men. Low testosterone can cause symptoms such as fatigue, low libido, weight gain, and muscle loss.
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Individual Consultations and Treatment From Hormone Specialists

At Auburn HRT Clinic, we offer individual consultations with hormone specialists to create personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's specific needs.

Our hormone specialists work closely with each patient, gathering information about their medical history, symptoms and lifestyle factors to create a unique and comprehensive treatment plan.

Patients a month

We help every man and woman to balance their hormones and enhance overall well-being.

Foundation Year

Our hormone therapy treatments have helped people with hormone imbalances achieve optimal health and wellness since 2015.

How we can help you

Our clinic is a leading provider of affordable bioidentical hormone therapy. Auburn, CA, residents who contact us typically do so for one of two primary reasons:

  • They want to prevent hormone deficiency or imbalance from occurring. Men and women in this category hope to avoid the need for treatments such as testosterone, peptides, or HGH therapy. Auburn, CA, hormone specialists provide you with options that help you maintain healthy hormone levels as you age.
  • They want to restore hormonal balance in their bodies. Adults who fall in this category contact our testosterone and HGH doctors in Auburn, CA, because they already experience symptoms of hormonal decline. Their goal is to reverse these changes and improve their future through hormone restoration.

Women and men throughout Northern California turn to our specialists to help them enjoy a happy, healthy, and energized future. Whatever your age, it is crucial that you know your hormone levels. Testosterone and HGH begin their slow production decrease while most people are still in their twenties. That leaves a significant portion of your life with lower than ideal hormone levels. To provide you with affordable options for peptides, HGH, or testosterone replacement therapy, Auburn, CA, hormone therapy clinic offers free telephone consultations via our telemedicine program.

Our goal is to make hormone replacement attainable and affordable for everyone who needs it. There are no office visits to our clinic. All medications arrive at your door, eliminating the need to stand in line at the local pharmacy. We have even arranged for preset low prices for the required blood tests.

Call our Auburn testosterone replacement and HGH treatment specialists today to discover a better way of receiving healthcare. We customize all hormone replacement therapy based on what your body needs.

Medical doctor that helps

After hitting 60, I was feeling drained and exhausted all the time. After getting a recommendation for a free consultation at California HRT Clinic, I decided to give it a try. It has been amazing! My energy levels are back up and I’m sleeping better, plus my weight is under control for the first time in years.



After experiencing fatigue, excessive weight gain, and a lack of sex drive due to low testosterone, I decided to get testosterone replacement therapy. Following the customized treatment plan has been life-changing! I have my energy back, can enjoy activities again, and feel like myself once more.



I’m so glad I chose California HRT Clinic for my HGH therapy. The team of professionals provided me with a personalized treatment plan that resulted in improved energy and vitality. I look and feel younger since starting my HGH therapy, it was definitely money well spent!




Our HGH and testosterone replacement therapy doctors in Auburn, CA, bring high-quality healthcare to you, wherever you are. The board-certified hormone specialists at our clinic understand the difficulty some people have in discussing delicate topics with a stranger. Going to a hormone clinic can increase an already stressful situation. Our doctors provide you with complimentary telephone consultations to enhance your privacy and confidentiality.

Our doctors are world-renowned specialists in hormone therapy. Auburn, CA, residents who contact our doctors discover a concierge service that comes without added costs. Our doctors believe that you have an innate right to live your best life, and they make that happen by checking your body for any potential hormone deficiency. State-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge treatments provide you with the tools your body needs to perform at its best.

For many people, those tools often include either peptides, testosterone, or HGH treatment. Auburn, CA, hormone specialists use only the safest, most tested, and effective bioidentical hormones. Our doctors continuously check out new treatments, ensuring their safety before adding them to our list of prescribed medications.

Assisting our Auburn testosterone specialist in your care is a team of dedicated and professional medical advisors and nurses. They bring their commitment to helping people through compassion and education to all our clients. Our staff serves as your guides as you navigate your path to a brighter, healthier, and happier future.

Let our hormone replacement doctors in Auburn, CA, transform your body, health, and life with their customized hormone treatments. Call our hormone specialists today for your free consultation.

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